Kokeshi Isekai follows four girls as their spirits awake in a parrallel spirit world. This isekai is teaming with spiritual beings and yokai. The whole landscpae is a rich photocopy of earth, but with vibrant colors and mystetical plant life. Akiko, Iroko, Reiko, and Yukiko all wake up in vastly different locations away from one another. Little by little they start to stumble into one another. In seeing eachither they realize how their spirits have taken shape as traditional kokeshi wooden dolls.
They soon form up as a group and try to understand each other to figureout where they are. Getting to the know each other they all seem to have the longing to explore in common.Though they all have completely forgetting who they are or where they came from.
So they decide to unravel the answers one way or another. They encounter mysterious yokai spirits, Kitsune, Usagi, and Neko. Who help guide their souls to the answers to the questions, and eventually home.
Kokeshi Isekai Part 1, Before teleporteing through the Ton'neru Akiko had a moment of emotional weakness. After remebrering her past life and herself she had started thinking about herself negatively. As soon as her perspective had changed a okai demon had caught the scent of the negative aura she was emitting and made its way to her. After coming to terms with herself and deciding to home the yokai imbeded itself inside of her. Becoming a seed for it on earth while giving her super human abilities.
Part 2 comes soon, Kokeshi iseekai combines analog and digital techniques to create aa atmospheres an perspective that transport you into a parallel dimension. Each work is unique but has elements that repeat themselves in the series of the collection, in order to tell the story of the Kokeshi Isekai.